A couple of years ago, just having graduated from the Berlin University of the Arts as a Meisterschülerin of Stan Douglas and Lothar Baumgarten, Nadine Fecht already proofed that she knows how to play with expectations, disappointment and experience. Her work “53 beginnings” which references John Cage, features 53 beginnings of different vinyl records compiled on one single vinyl pressing. It gathers the pops and crackling right before the first song starts from 53 different sources, the seconds before the first sound appears; the nondescript segment the tone arm needs to cover until it reaches the actual content of the vinyl.
Nadine Fecht's art is based on “The Practice of Drawing” – which is also the title of a group show she is currently participating in with her work “noise” (2014) at Gallery 5020 in Salzburg, Austria. In the first part of her solo show „adopt a revolution“ at FELDBUSCHWIESNER in Berlin, shown in July and August, she stroke a rather political note. Also her contribution to the exhibition „Money Works Pt. 2“ at the Haus am Lützowplatz – opening on August 29 – has a political implication. It was about time to talk to the Berlin-based artist.