all images: Rasmus Nilausen "Parergon" (09-31.05.2014), Fundació Suñol Barcelona, architecture by Martí Anson, © the artists, courtesy the artists & their galleries / photos by Roberto Ruiz and García | Galería, Madrid.
In the very moment when we enter an exhibition space, we are aware of the institutional framing and thus perceive art, as Winfried Menninghaus calls it, within an "art scheme". From here, we are schooled to consider every encounter with an object or another subject as staged and guided. In the current solo show "Parergon" by Danish artist Rasmus Nilausen, this relation is reversed: In the center of Fundació Suñol's clean white-cube'ish backyard space in Barcelona his paintings are arranged inside a temporary, wooden house by Martí Anson. Initially built for the Parisian Palais de Tokyo, the so called "Catalan Pavillon. Anonymous Architect", remains a work in progress. Neither walls nor windows are fixed. The roof was attached at a later stage. Demonstrating its imperfection, the architecture's unfinished character creates a level of spatial intimacy and withdraws the artificial distance to the paintings, releasing them from their superiority.