27 March 2013


Sergej Jensen _ Berlinische Galerie _ FRED THIELER-PREIS FÜR MALEREI 2013 _ featured on artfridge.de Sergej Jensen _ Berlinische Galerie _ FRED THIELER-PREIS FÜR MALEREI 2013 _ featured on artfridge.de Sergej Jensen _ Berlinische Galerie _ FRED THIELER-PREIS FÜR MALEREI 2013 _ featured on artfridge.de Sergej Jensen _ Berlinische Galerie _ FRED THIELER-PREIS FÜR MALEREI 2013 _ featured on artfridge.de Sergej Jensen _ Berlinische Galerie _ FRED THIELER-PREIS FÜR MALEREI 2013 _ featured on artfridge.de Sergej Jensen _ Berlinische Galerie _ FRED THIELER-PREIS FÜR MALEREI 2013 _ featured on artfridge.de Sergej Jensen _ Berlinische Galerie _ FRED THIELER-PREIS FÜR MALEREI 2013 _ featured on artfridge.de Sergej Jensen _ Berlinische Galerie _ FRED THIELER-PREIS FÜR MALEREI 2013 _ featured on artfridge.de
all images: Sergej Jensen, Fred-Thieler-Preis für Malerei 2013 at Berlinische Galerie, photos by artfridge

As a part of the Fred-Thieler-Preis für Malerei, Berlinische Galerie currently exhibits several paintings and an installation by the 1973-born danish artist Sergej Jensen. Selected by a high class jury, the prize is awarded every second year to an artist who reinvents painting in a new form. What sounds like an almost impossible achievement, is the splendid result of Jensens ongoing effort to demolish the splendour of painting.

25 March 2013


Samuel Francois - Joy of man - Rod Barton Samuel Francois - Joy of man - Rod Barton - 01 Samuel Francois - Joy of man - Rod Barton - 02 Samuel Francois - Joy of man - Rod Barton Samuel Francois - Joy of man - Rod Barton - 03
All images: Samuel Francois "The Joy of Man" (01.03-06.04.2013), Courtesy Rod Barton Gallery, London

Glossy gold, cheesy soft porn and survival blankets: The French 1977-born artist Samuel Francois answered questions that I had about his current solo show "The Joy of Man" at Rod Barton in London and tells my about a "certain idea of eroticism".

Anna-Lena Werner: In your current show "The Joy of Man" at Rod Barton in London you exhibit a number of collages. How did you come up with the exhibition's title?
Samuel Francois: Last year, Justin Morin invited me to participate in an exhibition, where we had to propose a piece that needed to be connected to a work by the artist Bobbi Woods. Woods used a poster of "Emanuelle" - a French erotic movie - and the subtitle of this movie was “The Joys of Woman”. 

17 March 2013


REHKUNST _ RE/MADE RE/USED _ Groupshow _ courtesy RehKunst 2013REHKUNST _ RE/MADE RE/USED _ Groupshow _ courtesy RehKunst 2013 REHKUNST _ RE/MADE RE/USED _ Groupshow _ courtesy RehKunst 2013 REHKUNST _ RE/MADE RE/USED _ Groupshow _ courtesy RehKunst 2013 REHKUNST _ RE/MADE RE/USED _ Groupshow _ courtesy RehKunst 2013 REHKUNST _ RE/MADE RE/USED _ Groupshow _ courtesy RehKunst 2013 REHKUNST _ RE/MADE RE/USED _ Groupshow _ courtesy RehKunst 2013
all images: courtesy REH Kunst 2013

In the past decades, the issue of garbage has become a significant problem: As with every aspect of abundance, it has become too much. Along with the increase of waste and dissipation, ideas of recycling and upcycling established. And where could these methods find a better discussion platform, than in the arts? Taking the satirical German saying "Ist das Kunst oder kann das weg?" (Is this art, or should I clean it up?) quite literally, the current group exhibition "Re/made - Re/used" at the project space REH Kunst in Berlin approaches questions on value and usage.

13 March 2013


PeresProjects_DavidOstrowski_001 PeresProjects_DavidOstrowski_003 PeresProjects_DavidOstrowski_022 PeresProjects_DavidOstrowski_007 PeresProjects_DavidOstrowski_008 PeresProjects_DavidOstrowski_015.jpg PeresProjects_DavidOstrowski_019 PeresProjects_DavidOstrowski_020
All images: Works by David Ostrowski, courtesy Peres Projects, Berlin

A frame, canvas and paint. Thats all it takes to make a painting. Nothing more, nothing less. Traditionally, the success of a painting is traced back to the artist's technical skills or the meaning that is created. In his current show I'm ok. Moments later he was show at Peres Projects' giant new space on Karl-Marx-Allee, the 1981-born artist David Ostrowski turns the tradition upside down and celebrates the painterly mistake. Dozens of large-scaled works are stripped down to their essence: A frame, canvas and paint. 

3 March 2013


9 - Klasse Martin Gostner (Oliver Blumek & Rebekka Benzenberg)
12 - Klasse Andreas Gursky (Alexander Föllenz)19 - Klasse Eberhard Havekost (Peter Uka) 2 - Klasse Hubert Kiecol (Sebastian Bathe) 4 - Klasse Katharina Fritsch (Tobias Przybilla) 5 - Klasse Richard Deacon 6 - Klasse Thomas Grünfeld (Mevlana Lipp & Daniel Struzyna, Inessa Emmer) 7 - Klasse Thomas Grünfeld (Sebastian Mejia) 8 - Klasse Martin Gostner (Melike Kara & Teye Gerbracht) 10 - Klasse Andreas Gursky (Isabella Fürnkäs)
From the top: (1) Klasse Martin Gostner (Oliver Blumek & Rebekka Benzenberg); (2) Klasse Andreas Gursky (Alexander Föllenz); (3) Klasse Eberhard Havekost (Peter Uka); (4) Klasse Hubert Kiecol (Sebastian Bathe); (5) Klasse Katharina Fritsch (Tobias Przybilla); (6) Klasse Richard Deacon; (7) Klasse Thomas Grünfeld (Mevlana Lipp & Daniel Struzyna, Inessa Emmer); (8) Klasse Thomas Grünfeld (Sebastian Mejia); (9) Klasse Martin Gostner (Melike Kara & Teye Gerbracht); (10) Klasse Andreas Gursky (Isabella Fürnkäs); all images copyright Benny Höhne & artfridge.de

Two weeks ago, the annual Düsseldorf Art Academy Rundgang (Degree Show) took place. How that was like? To put it briefly: better and...tidy! Better, because qualitatively on a sharply higher level than last year. Tidy, because many other classes apparently adapted the style of Andreas Gursky's almost sterile, gallery-like classroom of the past years as an example and delivered amazingly clean room presentations this year. Anyway, it seemed as if they would have given more thoughts and a little more caring. Thus, some classes surprised with innovative and updated exhibition concepts.