all the images by artfridge, exhibition "Body Light" at Venus & Apoll (22 – 24 February 2013)
Right now, there is a lot going in Düsseldorf. It is the Rundgang-week, the annual exhibition of the long-standing, Tony-Cragg-led Düsseldorf Art Academy, which attracts thousands of art fans every Februrary. On top of that, there are several other exhibitions around Düsseldorf. The show BODY LIGHT, for example, displays works of 16 contemporary artists as a guest show at Venus & Apoll. At this temporary project space of JULIA STOSCHEK COLLECTION, the group show assembles solely video works of up-and-coming artists, who use the moving image as the dominant medium of their artistic practice and to interact with the overarching theme of corporeality.
The works experiment with the individual bodily experience or the interaction with another body, whether in the private, public or social context. The body's texture is central not only concerning the moving image, but also regarding the physical possibilities of the body as a projection surface on its own. Running parallel to this year's Rundgang, the exhibition project, which was initiated by artists Melike Kara and Isabella Fürnkäs, provides an extended presentation and discussion platform, which invites to a very exciting engagement with young and current video art – unfortunately only for this weekend.